Logan Goodwin

Pre- AP English

Mrs. Yoder

Career Essay

Despite being in the 9th grade I have thought about what career I will pursue after high school or college. After thinking about where my interests and skills lay I have narrowed down my options to: astronautical engineer, Air Force pararescueman, or Marine officer.

After examining these careers based on salary, level of education, degree offering colleges, work schedules, and drawbacks, I would choose Marine officer because I have the drive to help others and the ability to carry on the war fighter legacy laid by my family for generations.

The chart below is what I used as criteria for my choice in career:


Career Astronautical Engineer Air Force Pararescue Marine Officer
Salary $29,052 $20,760 $78,828
Level of Education Master’s Degree High school Diploma Bachelor’s Deg.
Colleges Stanford, MIT, Texas A&M, USC High school or college of choice College of choice
Work schedule 9-5 24/7 24/7
Drawbacks Endanger others

Cubicle based



Not guaranteed




By examining the data and considering salary, an astronautical engineer has the highest pay with $78,828 on average per year. To work at N.A.S.A it is required to have a Master’s Degree in an engineering/science field of study meaning a long 7 years of college. But having the chance to build rockets has always been a childhood dream of mine ever since I could build ships with Legos. Though it would be fun I feel the office life does not agree with my adventurous spirit and that is why I drift more towards Air Force Pararescueman.

A career in the military has always been my dream.  The feeling of honor and duty for my country has influenced my choice in careers greatly. Though a pararescueman is not an officer and therefore doesn’t get a decent sized paycheck I feel it is negated by the fact that I get a year and a half of medical and tactical training only equalled by Navy SEALS, and become part of the special operations brotherhood. Needing only a High school Diploma Air Force pararescue seems like the best option if college seems an unreachable goal. The biggest drawback of Air Force pararescue is the fact that it has 2 years of training and an 80% drop out rate. Therefore that is one reason why Air Force pararescue is only slightly surpassed by Marine officer.

Using all theses statistics in mind I have concluded into picking Marine officer as my career of choice. Having a 3 month training period along with only needing a bachelor’s degree Marine officer seems like a nice middle ground between two years of training and 7 years of college. Having a higher base pay of $29,000 more than pararescue because I’m an officer means I will have no issue paying the bills.

Another reason to consider Marine officer is because of the military legacy laid by my family since the Civil War. Having my grandfather serve in the Army and then have my cousin currently serve in the Marines have greatly influenced my life and career choice. Along with the military life being one with my adventurous spirit.

All 3 careers I feel have a piece of me in every one. But all in all I would have to pick Marine just because I feel it is something bigger than myself that I can help contribute towards along with protect the free world.